I was just called a closet Republican or a confused Democrat. How is that possible? Not exactly sure but I can see where they are trying to go with that statement. You may have seen me click Like on FACE BOOK on the NO LABELS Campaign started by StarBucks CEO, Howard Schultz. I prefer the No Labels approach. With the political season cranking up and about to be full blown, I want to retain my right to ambivalent. Yes, I said it out loud and I meant it. Ambivalence to some is an outrage! Your a fence sitter, wishy washy, unstable etc, etc.
Nonsense, Hogwash. Ambivalence is a sign (at least to me) that you are considerate, that you like to weigh all the information received, weigh it again and consider it some more.
Isn't ambivalence better than a knee jerk reaction?
I am not telling you to be any way but the way you want to be. If you vote, Repo, fine ~ vote demo, fine. If you don't want a label, well then, now we are talking.
Just consider both sides of the equation. Don;t get all your information from one source, listen to people that you may not agree with. Keep an open mind and especially an open heart. But participate, please!
What does a small business owner with a small blog got to do with any of this? The candidates sure are throwing out our names out like candy in a parade. Small Business Owners, Main St. America. So, I would ask all of you to get involved this year. I can tell you from my heart, and I am not some market analysis, think tank, expensive shoes, consultant yahoo out there running scams. Small business in America and yes, here in Texas is not doing so well. Not so well at all.
We need all of you to get involved, visit a mom and pop shop every once in a while. No, I am not asking you to give up your Wal-Mart, and Target, but put us in the mix too.
There is a great website called the 3/50 Project. Go look it up, see what you can do to help us.
Main Street America needs to to thrive, not just survive.
Wow, I am impressed!! You are quite the prolific writer, Becca!! I don't like labels, either... I vote based on issues. I am in partnership with a small business owner and I must say, I am NOT impressed with what the current administration is trying to do to us. I'm looking elsewhere for a national leader.